Social Media
Friends with Benefits
There are now some very convincing examples, from all sectors, of how an insightful social media strategy can revolutionise a business. From compost companies to automotive manufacturers, boutique hotels and governments, everyone is at it. But we’d be lying if we said that in every case the right social media strategy was glaringly obvious.
Let’s face it, social media is pretty new to us all and it’s changing faster than a 15 year old can send a text message... but fundamentally we all understand social media – because it’s about people. It’s the equivalent of wanting to know your local grocer or butcher, having a conversation with the man who owns the corner shop. Except that where we all shop now, often isn’t where we live and the way we shop, is often online. So we have to learn how to have those “How’s the family?” moments in the digital environment. We can help.
The thing to remember is that a social media strategy is not a checklist, and we’re not in the business of providing you with a plethora of social profiles you hadn’t planned on running – you’re busy enough. What we can give you is an introduction to social media. Talk us through your goals, who your customers are and how you want them to feel about your business as a result of the conversations you’ll be part of and we’ll help get you there!
We can create custom Facebook brand pages in Facebook’s own coding language, as well as applications to help drive engagement. We can also help you to kick start the launch of your new page with some targeted Facebook ads or an email to raise awareness.

Linked In
If it’s a business to business message you need we can help to devise a strategy using Linkedin; creating a company profile and using targeted advertisement campaigns to send your message and drive that valuable corporate traffic.
We can get you started using Twitter, if it’s right for your business, with a focused plan for what you will use the platform for, a design for your Twitter homepage that shows your brand, products, services or just some personality, as well as cross promotes your website and blog, for example.